Daphne und Kitty by Lain-AwakeAtNight

by 10:52 AM 0 comments
Medium: Photography
Artist Of The Week: (Mar. 19-25, 2017)
Artist Of The Month: Mar. 2017

They say a picture is worth a thousand words because there's so much that can be said through just one single photo. So it's no surprise that photography happens to be a very popular art form amongst artist. There's nothing like picking up a camera and waiting to capture the perfect moment. For photographers the search for the perfect shot never stops because they see the world through a different lens than the normal eye. They are constantly searching for the beauty in world around them even when their camera is not at hand until eventually it just becomes habit to always be seeing the beauty in even the most unlikely of places.
Art is a very beautiful thing and it's something that can always be found anywhere in many different forms and this photo is a perfect example of how beauty can even exist within a single moment in time, which was beautifully captured but the photographer, Lain-AwakeAtNight. This photo truly is worth more than a thousand words and for me to even try and attempt to summarize all of those words would be quite redundant to both the artwork and the artist, as everything has already been perfectly said in this photograph far better then I could ever put into words.

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